Thursday, 31 December 2015

A very Webby New Year

It's that time of year where I seem to want to reset everything, shed a few kilos, eat only organic food, stop boozing/swearing/snacking/apologising... you know, New Years resolution time.

For the last two years, I have had the same two resolutions:

1. Finish our renovations
2. Use coasters

We have now finished the renos. Coasters. Well. Coasters are for houses where toddlers don't dwell. Imagine asking a two year old to use a coaster. Ha! Alfie barely wears pants in the house, let alone popping his sippy cup on a vintage teak pinapple drink mat!

I read a rad resolution list on the train home this week following a boozy beer and dumpling session with my buddies. You can read it here on Extraordinary Routines. In my boozy state, I was totally inspired to make my own list of realistic resolutions.

This is them:

  • Read more (books, not phones).
  • Get a radio alarm clock so I don't check my phone first thing in the morning, instead listen to Smooth FM.
  • Go to the beach.
  • Roadtrips.
  • Send letters to my grandparents regularly.
  • Learn to cook great vegetarian dishes.
  • Read magazines or books on the train, not my phone.
  • Take a lunch break. Every day.
  • Stop using plastic bags.
  • Use night cream.
  • Write about heaps of good stuff.
  • Keep my car clean.
  • Pat my Cheef Dog.
  • Eat at the table with my family every night.
  • Kiss my husband on his forehead before we go to sleep every night.
  • Be happy. Don't worry.

and finally...

It's been 17 years since I've been on a skateboard. If I can teach my kid to ride a bike, surely I can teach myself to skate a board?

Happy New Year good people. May 2016 be rad and a super happy year for you.

Ahhh The Beach

My sensational pals

Indented Head. Where I'd rather be

With all the ice cream

1 comment:

  1. Inspired now to get boozy and write mine... Thanks for the inspirations.
