Saturday, 5 December 2015

It's December, farewell November Rain

A work colleague got married secretly last week and to celebrate we held a super cute office party. We drank beer and ate Shapes and Samboys and watched YouTube clips on someone's computer.

The YouTube-ing got serious as we found ourselves playing songs from our youth: Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory (the song I sing to my colleagues every afternoon when I SHUT DOWN... in a Blaze of Glory), Kylie and Danni and then, Guns n Roses' November Rain. An epic afternoon all completed by 6pm.

November Rain. What an awesome way to send off Spring and welcome in Summer. I LOVE SUMMER.

Here's why:
1.  Pikelets
Our family gets up at Dawn's Crack every day, even on weekends. So we make pikelets. Pikelets are fun to eat outside in your jimmy-jams when the sun is getting up.

2. Correspondence. 
I seem to have so many personal Christmas Cards (heaps from Real Estate agents). But my favourite correspondence to receive is a surprise parcel to pop under the Chrissie tree or to get home to a beautifully wrapped prezzie that has come all the way from London from my buddy Tan. Not because it's Christmas time but because the item reminded her of me. Heart. x

3. Party time.
So many rad parties at this time of year. Since becoming a mum my social life has cut sick. Last weekend we had our parent's group party complete with jumping castle and Santa. This was followed by our street Christmas party complete with Pasito, tartan eskies and Milo branded cricket sets. Ace.

4. Sandwiches.
I don't know why I don't eat sandwiches in Winter. I just don't. As soon as December 1 kicks in, I'm smashing up curried egg like there's no tomorrow.

5. Towels.
There's something about Summer that makes me a kid again. Is it all the swimming, running, biking, skateboarding? Nope, it's the really cool head gear who can make out of a damp towel by rolling it down your leg. Nothing says Summer like a good towel blanket, especially if you've been running around a sprinkler in the backyard.

Welcome Summer. You have been missed. I want to hold your hand in SPF for the next three months and dance to Bon Jovi like there's no tomorrow.

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