Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The most favourite things that I did in 2015

Oh 2015, you were a nice year. A busy year. A year with a super long winter. A year full of fun, creativity, exhaustion, exercise, deliciousness, arguments, love, and heaps of funny moments.

These are my most favourite things I did in 2015:

1. Held my buddy's new born baby and told her that everything is ok.
2. Watched my son discover how to spin his balance bike wheels while he watched me run after him.
3. Loved my job and worked with some of the raddest talents on this earth: Kurt Elling, Renee Fleming, Tripod, Ben Northey, Sir Andrew Davis, Flight Facilities, Reggie Watts... oh so many!
4. Taught myself to make a wicked pizza dough.
5. Argued with my husband. Then we got a cleaner. Now everything is peachy.
6. Cut my own fringe. Never again.
7. Decluttered my whole house. It smells like space and air.
8. Fell in love with my local community, especially following a car accident / sick child / sick me / lonely days / happy days / desperate for a time-out day.
9. Watched the whole Cars movie and cried the whole way through.
10. Became obsessed with the deepest part of the ocean.
11. Had my stories published in magazines and newspapers.
12. Discovered sunrise.  5.30am aint so bad.
13. Welcomed my best buddy home from New York.
14. Made some excellent new friends, just when I thought I had met all my friends already.
15. Became a toddler and started dressing like one. Life is so much better in overalls.
16. Drove down the coast listening to Dragon the whole way. It felt free.
17. Taught myself how to macrame and now our house looks like an indoor Jumanji.
18. Completed a latch hook rug which took three months to make.
19. Lied about having diarrhea so I could have five minutes to myself in the toilet.
20. Took my son to the zoo. Heaps. Animals are the best.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome roundup. I like this. Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to do the highlights when thinking about resolutions.
